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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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La campana muta
(The Silent Bell)
Also known as The Signal of Death in the United Kingdom; The Silent Bell in the USA
(1914) Italy
B&W : Three reels
Directed by Luigi Mele

Cast: Alberto Capozzi, Cristina Ruspoli, Maria Gandini, Leo Ragusi, Tonio Giolino (Tonino Giolino)

Pasquali e C. production; distributed by Pasquali e C.. / Produced by Ernesto Maria Pasquali. / Released February 1914. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA on State Rights basis (in three reels) by Picture Playhouse Film Company, Incorporated, on 14 July 1914.

Drama: Historical.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? This drama tells a most thrilling story of the daring attempt of the noblest and best of Italian blood, aided by France to throw off the Austrian yoke in the year 1863, and their escape from death through the courage and heroism of a child. The scene opens with the secret meeting of the chiefs of the revolution in an old house. They are receiving the last news from the sub-committees of the other districts before the signal to attack the Austrian government. Rinaldo Ramardo, the private secretary of Prince Paul, the leader of the revolutionary movement is introduced as a new member, he is desperately in love with the Princess Paul, and when his love is repulsed he plots revenge. Prince Paul trustingly shows the new member Rinaldo, the secret exit from the house to be used in case of emergency. Rinaldo, driven by his insane passion, informs the commander of the citadel of the plot against the government. When the conspirators are surprised in their next meeting they make their escape with the loss of only one member, but he unfortunately carries the list of the leaders. They are fill quickly run to earth, Prince Paul among the number. He had trusted for his escape to the secret exit from his house, but the traitor, Rinaldo, has stolen the key. He bids a touching farewell to his devoted wife and little boy Victor. Overcome with grief at the lengths to which his passion for the Princess had driven him, the traitor kills himself and begs forgiveness with his dying breath. The Prince is quickly condemned to death and a proclamation posted in the city announcing the execution of the political prisoners at dawn the following morning when the bell from the Red Tower rings the signal, but on the morning of the execution, little Prince Victor, his son, passes the sentinels, climbs the old belfry tower and swings from the clapper of the citadel’s bell, preventing the death signal. He is brought before the Austrian Commandant and pleads together with his mother for his father’s life, but without avail. In the nick of time a dispatch is brought in declaring peace between the French and Austrian armies, and little Victor has saved his father’s life.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [Italy]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 5 January 2023.

References: Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  La campana muta (1914)
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