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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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  William Russell (right).
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Garden of Lies
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by John H. Pratt (Jack Pratt)

Cast: Jane Cowl [Eleanor Mannering, also known as Princess Eleanor], William Russell [Dennis Mallory], Philip Hahn [Prince Carl], Violet Horner [Jessica Mannering], Ethelbert Hale [Von Aldorz], David Wall [Doctor Mackenzie], Claude Cooper [Baron Von Steinberck], Adele Carson [the maid]

Alco Film Corporation production; distributed by Alco Film Corporation. / Scenario by Louis Reeves Harrison, from a novel by Justus Miles Forman. Art direction by Henry Allen Farnham. Cinematography by William C. Thompson. / Released 4 January 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / [?] Originally distributed by Alco, the film may have been rereleased in the USA by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Broadway Universal Features] on 12 July 1915.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Eleanor Mannering, an American girl living abroad at the home of her cousin, Jessica Mannering, chooses Prince Carl of Noyodna from among her titled suitors and marries him. As they start on their wedding trip they meet with an automobile accident and Eleanor is injured. Baron Von Steinberck, prime minister of Noyodna, arrives at Jessica Mannering’s house shortly after the Prince and Princess have left it. He has a message for Prince Carl calling on him to return at once to his capital as his father, the King, is at the point of death. He learns that the Prince has just started on his wedding journey. Accompanied by Dr. McKenzie and one of the Prince’s advisers, Von Aldorz, the prime minister, follows Prince Carl and Eleanor. They arrive on the scene of the auto wreck. The Prince leaves at once for Noyodna, after placing his wife in the hands of Dr. McKenzie and Von Aldorz. Back at Jessica’s home, Princess Eleanor develops amnesia and remembers nothing that happened before the accident. In delirium her memory partially returns. She calls for her husband piteously, though it is evident that she has forgotten his appearance and personality. Dr. McKenzie and Von Aldorz decide that she has one chance of regaining her reason. A man must appear at her bedside posing as her husband. Mallory, a lover of adventure, and a daredevil, is selected for the role of the bogus Prince. Mallory is presented to the Princess. She falls in love with him at sight and he with her. She believes that he is, as she has been told, the Prince, her husband. The real Prince returns unexpectedly and finds his wife in Mallory’s arms. Von Steinberck wishes to rid the Prince of his morganatic wife and abducts her. Prince Carl’s father had died and Carl is now King. Mallory sees the abduction and follows. Prince Carl learns of it, too, and pursues with Dr. McKenzie and Von Aldorz. The Princess is carried by Steinberck to a deserted castle. Mallory gets into the castle, followed by the Prince and his group. There is a battle with pistols, during which Steinberck wounds Mallory and kills Prince Carl. Eleanor is freed. Her love for Mallory turns to resentment when she hears of the deception. But Mallory is now hovering between life and death. In his delirium he calls for Eleanor just as she did for a dimly-remembered husband. Dr. McKenzie tells her that her presence at Mallory’s bedside alone can save Mallory’s life. As she kneels beside the Irish adventurer and calls him by name; he smiles in recognition. The picture fades out with them in each other’s arms.

Synopsis: Synopsis available in Hirschhorn-Universal p. 19.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Accidents: Automobile - Royalty: Princes - Weddings

Listing updated: 10 November 2022.

References: Edmonds-BigU pp. 57-58; Hirschhorn-Universal pp. 13, 19 : Website-IMDb.

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