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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Her Big Story
(1913) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Allan Dwan

Cast: J. Warren Kerrigan [Joel Hammond, the managing editor], Charlotte Burton [Beatrice Nevin], Jack Richardson [the mayor], William Tedmarsh [the city editor], George Periolat [George Huestiss, the banker]

American Film Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Mutual Film Corporation [Flying A]. / From a story by Richard Washburn Child. / Released 31 May 193. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Beatrice Nevin, the “Union’s” utility woman, did “space” writing for a living, which is another way of saying that Beatrice was very poor. Joel Hammond, the business managing editor, grew very fond of Beatrice for he was a bachelor and a much abused newspaper man. The owner of the “Union” was a mysterious personage whom the staff discussed in whispers. Beatrice then was seized with a mania to pry into the city affairs of the “boss” and see what story she might uncover. From then on she shadowed the mayor and neglected her regular work, and one day when Joel could no longer stand her charming beauty, he kissed her and they plighted their troth then and there, although Joel, as managing editor warned her not to go too far on the Big Story. One day the mysterious boss, George Huestiss, owner of the “Union” motored to the mayor’s home. Later, with Beatrice hot on the trail, the mayor came out with Hueatiss and they dismissed the chauffeur. This aroused Beatrice’s suspicions and climbing through a window, found herself in the deserted library of the mayor’s home. There she found the papers which revealed the big story; and there she heard foot steps which sent her scurrying behind the curtains. A moment later Huestiss and the mayor entered. Not finding the papers they grew excited and in the search discovered Beatrice. Then she made her mistake, telling them that she had the story and that the Union that night would print it. They laughed at her and Huestiss discharged her, but, eluding him, she bowled him over with a statuette and fled through the window. Back she raced to the office and hammered out her story. Then she took it in to her sweetheart, Joel and he read it with a frown and tried to tear it up. Then Huestiss entered and ordered Joel to destroy the story. But Joel, seeing his sweetheart’s waning faith in him, threw all to the winds and resigned. The opposition paper that night carried the “Big Story” and Joel crept through dark alleyways to the dreary rooms of Beatrice. Love settled the editorial difference of opinion.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Reporters

Listing updated: 4 April 2020.

References: Sloan-Loud pp. 31, 32, 98d, 149 : Website-IMDb.

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