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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Heroes of the Mine
Also known as The Great Mine Disaster in the USA
(1913) England
B&W : Four reels
Directed by George Pearson

Cast: Percy Moran [Frank Conway], Lionel d’Aragon [Dudley Hamilton]

Big Ben Films-Union Production; distributed by Pathé Frères [British]. / Scenario by L.C. MacBean and George Pearson. / Released October 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA as The Great Mine Disaster by The Eclectic Film Company on 1 March 1914.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Walter Preston, a mine owner, learns that a strike has been declared by his miners. His manager, Jack Hamilton, takes rigid steps, and discharges the ringleaders, which proves an effective method of settling the strike. But the discharged miners plan to be revenged on the manager. Hamilton calls on the mine owner’s daughter, Dora. While there, Preston shows him a letter from Frank Conway, a mining engineer, who applies for a position. On his way home he is waylaid by the two miners whom he had discharged. They murderously attack him, but assistance comes unexpectedly. Frank Conway chances to see the attack and puts the ruffians to flight. This act places him in good favor with the manager, who rewards him with the position he applied for. Soon after, Conway meets the manager, who is strolling with the mine owner and his daughter. Hamilton introduces him and tells of his brave act. The manager and the miner owner go off to discuss some new project, leaving Conway and the girl together. Dora’s charming personality makes a profound impression on the young engineer, who is quite smitten with her. On the return of the two men, Preston gives Conway an invitation to a dance, and during the temporary absence of his daughter and the manager, explains that they are engaged. This is bad news for Conway. Dora is strangely drawn to the handsome young engineer, and at the dance that evening, Hamilton’s suspicions are aroused by seeing them constantly together. The next day the manager and his fiancée go for a ride and meet Conway on the road. Dora’s horse, being frightened by a passing auto, runs away with her. Conway immediately rides after them and after a spectacular chase, succeeds in rescuing the girl, who faints. Picking her up in his arms, Conway is overcome by his love and rapturously kisses her. He realizes then that his love for her is hopeless, and informs the mine owner by letter that he would have to leave his employ the next day, promising to explain the reason on his return home. Preston shows the letter to the manager. Dora hears them discussing it and demands to see the letter. Hamilton shows it to her and is staggered when he realizes by her actions that the young engineer has replaced him in her affections. A terrific explosion occurs in the mine the next day, and while many men are rescued, Conway is reported to be lost in the mine. Hamilton, exhausted by the work of rescue, decides to make a last attempt to find his rival, owing to the pleadings of Dora. Buckling on an oxygen tank, he plunges again into the darkness and danger of the pit, and after many hardships, finds the missing man unconscious. Taking off his oxygen tank and placing it on Conway, he soon revives the unconscious man. But Hamilton is then overcome by the deadly mine gases, and is carried to the surface by the man whom he had aided. His brave deed proves fatal, however, and the heroic manager, after uniting the hands of the girl whom he loved and those of his rival, passes into the Great Beyond.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [United Kingdom]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 13 May 2020.

References: Perry-British p. 345 : Website-IMDb.

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