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  Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Life of Daniel Boone
Also known as [The Life and Battles of Daniel Boone]
(1912) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Republic Motion Picture Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Motion Picture Distributing & Sales Company. / Released 13 January 1912 (reel one) and 14 January 1912 (reel two). / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Historical: Biographical.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Daniel Boone, one of the most adventurous of all “pioneers of civilization,” to whose courage, endurance and skill, America owes so much, was born in Virginia. At an early period, he emigrated to North Carolina, but his love of the wilderness not being sufficiently gratified here, he planned an expedition, and with a few adventurous men entered into Kentucky. On June 7th, 1769, he reached the famous Red River and was captured by a tribe of hostile Indians, who finally adopted him. At the first opportunity he escaped and fought his way back to a settlement. Shortly after, while agent for a Carolina company, he built a fort on the site now known as Boonesborough, and here were fought the greatest Indian battles in the history of that period. In 1777 that place was attacked several times by bands of Indians who were repulsed with heavy losses. On the 6th of August, 1777, that famous battle of Boonesborough was fought; 450 Indians led by Chief Blackfish and officered by French Canadian renegades attacked the fort. In spite of repeated assaults, that little garrison of less than fifty men set at defiance its enemies, who were finally obliged to return with heavy losses. Besides being famous as an Indian fighter, he was also noted as a successful hunter and trapper, which vocation he followed to almost the last few years of his life. He died a peaceful death in his son’s home in 1822, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. In portraying this wonderful life, great pains have been taken to accurately reproduce the famous battles, as well as locations mentioned in history, and the result is a magnificent production of Indian and pioneer life, seldom, if ever, equaled in moving pictures.

Reviews: [From The Moving Picture World, 27 January 1912, page ?] This is not so truly a dramatic picture as it is a pictorial biography of the famous Indian fighter and woodsman. There is, however, in the pictures of several of the episodes a good deal that is of high dramatic value and this makes the film a good offering for spectators seeking amusement. It has the added advantage of being instructive and gives what stands very well for the true story of the early settlements in the Cumberland Mountain region. There are two reels. The second reel pictures the beginnings of actual settlements in this region. The story, here, seems more of one piece and is more romantic. The first dealt chiefly with Boone himself; the second gives a good deal of space to Boone’s children. There is a very good picture in it of the attack on the log fort at Booneville by Indians. An exhibitor will make no mistake by using this picture as a special attraction and advertising it as such for public school children and others who want instruction of an entertaining kind.

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Daniel Boone

Listing updated: 20 October 2022.

References: Pitts-Hollywood p. 103; Tarbox-Lost pp. 80, 81, 279 : Website-IMDb.

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