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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Second Beginning
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by Burton King

Cast: Adele Lane [Edna Granville], Harry Linkey [Robert Granville], Edward Sloman [Herbert Conroy], Gretchen Lederer [Marie]

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Big U]. / Scenario by F. McGrew Willis. / Released 17 June 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Universal release number 0585. The film was marketed in the USA with one-sheet and three-sheet posters. The film was released in Canada on 24 June 1915.


Synopsis: [The Universal Weekly, Volume VI, Number 24, 12 June 1915, page 31] Robert Granville and his bride return from their honeymoon and take up their residence at Granville’s large town house. Before her Marriage, Edna, the wife, was employed in a factory. Granville knows of this and Edna has promised him that she will try her best to learn the ways of the society in which they will move. / Both are deeply in love with each other and the outlook is for happiness. Edna gives an afternoon tea to her husband’s friends and among the guests is Marie, a former sweetheart of Granville, who is still in love with him. Edna also meets Herbert Conroy, a bachelor, who falls in love with her and begins paying her attentions. / Shortly after this Edna attends a bridge party given by Marie and when the game is over finds that she has lost several hundred dollars. Not knowing that she was playing for money, Edna is greatly alarmed and is afraid to ask her husband for the money. Conroy asks that he be allowed to pay the amount and Edna accepts. She hides the score of the game, which contains a notation of the amount she lost, in a locket that Granville has given her. She attempts to give the locket to Conroy for security for the money due him but he refuses to accept it. / Granville sees the affair between Edna and Conroy and believes that his wife is losing her love for him. He begins paying attention to Marie, while Edna receives the visits of Conroy. Finally Edna saves enough out of her allowance to repay Conroy and sends a servant with it. Granville sees the address on the envelope and is further estranged from Edna. Later they have drifted apart and Edna agrees to leave with Conroy. Marie attempts to get Granville to give up his wife and he is on the point of doing so when he realizes that he loves only Edna. He leaves Marie and starts home. As he arrives he finds Conroy waiting for Edna to meet him. Granville watches. Edna comes out and in the act of getting in Conroy’s car changes her mind and tells Conroy that she loves her husband and that she will not desert him. / Conroy attempts to force her into the car. Granville runs into the scene and after a struggle knocks Conroy down. The latter rises and drawing a gun, fires at Granville, but Edna throws herself in front of him and is struck by the bullet. Conroy flees. Granville finds that the bullet has struck the locket, forcing it open, disclosing the hidden paper — the bridge score. Edna is not injured and she and Granville return to the house determined to begin their lives anew.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 6 January 2010.

References: UnivWeekly-19150612 pp. 31, 34.

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