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Progressive Silent Film List
A growing source of silent era film information.
This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2024 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.

‘H’ Listings

Please note that this is a database of information on films produced in the silent era of world cinema. This is not a listing of available exhibition prints or home video products, since we currently do not rent or sell either.

Updated 10 July 2024
Haanden (1907)
Habeas Corpus (1928)
The Habit of Happiness (1916)
The Hack & Schmidt Bout (1911)
Hadj Cheriff (1894)
Haevnen (1909)
Haevnens Nat (1916)
Hagopian, the Rug Maker (1920)
Hague-Chase Fight (1911)
Haha o Kowazu-ya (1934)
Haikyo no naka (1923)
Hail Britannia! (1897)
Hail the Woman (1921)
Hairpins (1920)
Hair-Trigger Burke (1917)
Haji Agha actore cinema (1933)
Hako’s Sacrifice (1910)
Halbblut (1919)
Hal Brown Lancashire Comedian (1928)
Hal Chase’s Home Run (1911)
Haldane of the Secret Service (1923)
Hale and Hearty (192?)
Haleyisms (192?)
Half a Bride (1928)
Half-a-Dollar Bill (1924)
Half a Man (1925)
Half a Rogue (1916)
The Half-Back of Notre Dame (1924)
The Half-Breed (1916)
The Half-Breed (1922)
The Half-Breed Parson (1913)
Half Marriage (1929)
A Half Pint Hero (1927)
The Half-Way Girl (1925)
Half Way to Heaven (1929)
Halka (1913)
Hallelujah (1929)
L’hallucination de l’alchimiste (1897)
Les hallucinations de Baron de Munchhausen (1911)
Halvblod (1913)
Ham Among the Redskins (1915)
Ham An— (1919)
Ham and Eggs at the Front (1927)
Ham and the Sausage Factory (1915)
Ham at the Garbage Gentleman’s Ball (1915)
[Hamburg Bridge, Germany] (1897)
Ham in the Harem (1915)
Hamlet (1904)
Hamlet (1907)
Hamlet (1908)
Hamlet (1908)
Hamlet (1909)
Hamlet (1910)
Hamlet (1910)
Hamlet (1910)
Hamlet (1910)
Hamlet (1910)
Hamlet (191?)
Hamlet (1913)
Hamlet (1914)
Hamlet (1915)
Hamlet (1917)
Hamlet (1921)
Hamlet Made Over (1916)
The Hammer (1915)
Hammerfest (1903)
Hämnaren (1915)
Ham, the Piano Mover (1914)
The Ham What Was (1917)
Die Hand (1916)
The Hand at the Window (1918)
Handcuffs or Kisses? (1921)
Handle with Care (1922)
The Hand of Fate (1912)
The Hand of the Law (1913)
The Hand of Uncle Sam (1910)
Hands Across the Sea (1912)
Hands Across the Sea in ’76 (1911)
Hands Down (1918)
A Hand-Shake (1892)
Hands Off (1921)
Hands Off (1927)
[Hands Off the Flag] (191?)
The Hands of Nara (1922)
The Handsome Brute (1925)
Hands Up! (1917)
Hands Up (1918)
Hands Up! (1926)
The Hand That Rocked the Cradle (1912)
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (1917)
Handy Andy (1921)
Handy Andy (1923)
Hangman’s House (1928)
Han, Hun og Hamlet (1922)
Hank and Lank Joyriding (1910)
Hannah Won’t You Open That Door (1909)
Hanneles Himmelfahrt (1922)
Hans Broges Begravelse (1908)
Hans Bröllopsnatt (1915)
Hansel and Gretel (1909)
Hansel and Gretel (1923)
Hans engelska fru (1927)
Hans forste honorar (1912)
Hans Hustrus Förflutna (1915)
Hans nåds testamente (1919)
Hans og Grethe (1913)
The Hansom Cabman (1924)
The Hansom Driver (1913)
Han som klara’ boren (1907)
Hans rigtige kone (1917)
Hans Trutz im Schlaraffenland (1917)
La hantise (1912)
Happiness (1917)
Happiness (1924)
Happiness Ahead (1928)
Happiness à La Mode (1919)
Happy Bob paa Keglebanen (1907)
Happy Bob paa Rottejagt (1907)
Happy Bob som Bokser (1907)
Happy Bob som Cyklist (1907)
Happy Bob som Frier (1907)
Happy Bob som Tjener (1907)
The Happy Dustmen’s Christmas (1914)
The Happy Ending (1925)
Happy-Go-Luckies (1923)
Happy-Go-Lucky (1912)
Happy Heels (1929)
Happy Hooligan (1903)
Happy Hooligan Turns Burglar (1902)
Happy Jack, a Hero (1910)
The Happy Warrior (1925)
Harakiri (1919)
Harbor Island (1908)
Harbor Island (1912)
Hårda viljor (1923)
Hard Boiled (1926)
Hard-Boiled Haggerty (1927)
Hard Boiled Yeggs (1926)
Hard Cider (1914)
The Hardest Way (1922)
Hard Fists (1927)
Hard Knocks (1924)
Hard Luck (1921)
The Hard Rock Breed (1918)
Hard to Beat (1909)
A Hard Wash (1896)
A Harem Knight (1926)
Harem Scarem (1928)
The Harem Skirt (1911)
The Harem Skirt (1911)
Harlequinade — What They Found in the Laundry Basket (1901)
Harnessing a Horse (1913)
Harold Teen (1928)
Három hét (1917)
The Harper Mystery (1913)
A Harp in Hock (1927)
Harriet and the Piper (1920)
Harrigan (1907)
Harry K. Thaw’s Fight for Freedom in Canada (1913)
Harry Lauder (1921)
Harry Lauder — Himself (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing I Love a Lassie (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Killiecrankie (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Roamin’ in the Gloamin’ (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Rob Roy McIntosh (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Saftest of His Family (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Same as His Father Was Before Him (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing She’s Ma Daisy (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing She’s the Lass for Me (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Wedding of Lauchie McGraw (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Weddin’ o’ Sandy McNab (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing We Parted on the Shore (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing When I Get Back to Bonnie Scotland (1914)
Harry Lauder Singing Wie Dock and Doris (1914)
Harry Shalson the Popular Entertainer (1927)
Harry’s Waterloo (1912)
Harry Tate Grimaces (1899)
Harry Tate Impersonations (1899)
Harry Thompson’s Imitations of Sousa (1901)
Harvard-Pennsylvania Football Game (1903)
The Harvest (1915)
The Harvest of Hate (1929)
Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly (1926)
Le hasard et l’amour (1913)
Hash and Havoc (1916)
A Hash House Fraud (1915)
Hash House Mashers (1915)
Has the World Gone Mad? (1923)
Hatamoto taikutsu otoko (1930)
Hat Dance (1898)
Hate (1917)
The Hateful God (1914)
The Hater of Men (1917)
Hats Off (1927)
The Haunted Castle (1897)
The Haunted Curiosity Shop (1901)
The Haunted Hotel; or, The Strange Adventures of a Traveler (1907)
The Haunted Homestead (1927)
The Haunted Hotel (1918)
The Haunted House (1909)
The Haunted House (1921)
The Haunted House (1928)
The Haunted House (1929)
The Haunted Island (1928)
[The Haunted Kitchen] (1903)
The Haunted Lounge (1909)
The Haunted Pajamas (1917)
The Haunted Ranch (1925)
Haunted Spooks (1920)
The Haunted Valley (1923)
Haunting Shadows (1920)
Das Haus am Meer (1924)
Das Haus Ohne Fenster (1920)
Das Haus zum Mond (1921)
Haut les mains! (1912)
Having a Good Time (192?)
Havkongens Datter (1908)
The Havoc (1916)
Havoc (1925)
Havsgamar (1915)
Hawaii (1919)
The Hawaiian Revellers (1928)
Hawk of the Hills (1927)
The Hawk’s Nest (1928)
Hawks of the Sea (1924)
The Hawk’s Trail (1919-1920)
Hawthorne (1924)
Hawthorne of the U.S.A. (1919)
Häxan (1922)
Hay Fever (1929)
Hay-Foot, Straw-Foot! (1919)
The Haymakers at Work (1896)
The Hayseed (1919)
The Hayseed (1921)
The Hayseeds’ Backblocks Show (1917)
The Hayseeds Come to Town (1917)
The Hayseeds’ Melbourne Cup (1918)
Haystacks and Steeples (1916)
Hazards and Home Runs (1917)
The Hazards of Helen (1914-1917)
Hazel from Hollywood (1923)
Hazel Green & Company (1927)
The Head Guy (1929)
Head Hunters of the South Seas (1922)
Headin’ Home (1920)
Headin’ North (1921)
Headin’ South (1918)
Headin’ West (1922)
The Headless Horseman (1922)
Headlines (1925)
The Head Man (1928)
Head Over Heels (1922)
Heads Up (1925)
Heads Win! (1919)
The Head Waiter (1914)
The Head Waiter (1919)
Head Winds (1925)
A Healthy Neighborhood (1913)
He and She (1898)
Heap Big Chief (1919)
Heard in Court (1909)
Heard Over the Phone (1908)
Hear ’em Rave (1918)
Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (No. 79) (1915)
Hearst-Selig News Pictorial (No. 80) (1915)
Hearst-Vitagraph Weekly News Feature (191?)
Heart and Soul (1917)
Heart Beats of Long Ago (1911)
Heartbound (1925)
The Heart Bowed Down (1906)
The Heart Buster (1924)
Heartless Husbands (1925)
The Heart of a Bandit (1915)
The Heart of a Child (1915)
The Heart of a Child (1920)
The Heart of a Clown (1909)
The Heart of a Cowboy (1909)
The Heart of a Cracksman (1913)
The Heart of a Follies Girl (1928)
The Heart of a Heathen Chinee (1910)
The Heart of a Hero (1916)
[The Heart of a Hunchback] (1913)
The Heart of an Actress (1915)
The Heart of an Indian (1912)
The Heart of an Outlaw (1909)
The Heart of a Race Tout (1909)
The Heart of a Savage (1911)
The Heart of a Siren (1925)
The Heart of a Waif (1915)
The Heart of Big Dan (1920)
Heart of Broadway (1928)
The Heart of Ezra Greer (1917)
The Heart of General Robert E. Lee (1928)
The Heart of Humanity (1918)
The Heart of Jennifer (1915)
The Heart of John Barlow (1911)
The Heart of Juanita (1919)
The Heart of Lincoln (1915)
The Heart of Lincoln (1922)
The Heart of Maryland (1915)
The Heart of Maryland (1921)
The Heart of Maryland (1927)
The Heart of Midlothian (1914)
The Heart of Nora Flynn (1916)
The Heart of O Yama (1908)
The Heart of Paula (1916)
The Heart of Princess Marsari (192?)
The Heart of Romance (1918)
The Heart of Salome (1927)
The Heart of Texas Ryan (1917)
The Heart of the Blue Ridge (1915)
The Heart of the Hills (1914)
The Heart of the Hills (1914)
The Heart of the Hills (1916)
The Heart of the Night Wind (1914)
The Heart of the North (1921)
Heart of the West Wind (1914)
The Heart of the Yukon (1927)
The Heart of Wetona (1919)
Heart o’ the Hills (1919)
The Heart Punch (1915)
The Heart Raider (1923)
Hearts Adrift (1914)
Hearts Aflame (1923)
Hearts and Diamonds (1914)
Hearts and Fists (1926)
Hearts and Flowers (1913)
Hearts and Flowers (1914)
Hearts and Flowers (1914)
Hearts and Flowers (1914)
Hearts and Flowers (1915)
Hearts and Flowers (1919)
Hearts and Flowers (1927)
Hearts and Masks (1914)
Hearts and Planets (1915)
Hearts and Spangles (1926)
Hearts and Sparks (1916)
Hearts and Spurs (1925)
Hearts and the Highway (1915)
Hearts are Trumps (1920)
Heart’s Haven (1922)
Heart’s Hunger (1915)
Hearts in Dixie (1929)
Hearts in Exile (1915)
Hearts in Exile (1929)
Hearts of Gold (1914)
Hearts of Men (1912)
Hearts of Men (1914)
Hearts of Men (1915)
Hearts of Men (1919)
Hearts of Men (1928)
Hearts of Oak (1914)
Hearts of Oak (1924)
Hearts of the World (1918)
Hearts or Diamonds (1918)
The Heart Specialist (1922)
A Heart’s Revenge (1918)
Heart Strings (1914)
Heart Strings (1917)
Heart Strings (1920)
Heartstrings (1923)
Hearts Up! (1920)
Heart to Heart (1928)
Heart Trouble (1915)
Heart Trouble (1928)
Heart Trouble (1928)
Heaven Avenges (1912)
Heaven on Earth (1927)
[Heaven’s Revenge] (1922)
Heaven Will Protect a Woiking Goil (1916)
Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl (1914)
Heavy Love (1926)
He Comes Up Smiling (1918)
He Couldn’t Dance, But He Learned (1909)
Hectic Days (1928)
Heddin’ North (1919)
He Did and He Didn’t (1916)
[He Did Not Know He Was a Monk] (1908)
He Died and He Didn’t (1916)
Heebee-Jeebees (1927)
Heedless Moths (1921)
He Fell in a Cabaret (1915)
He Fell in Love with His Mother-in-Law (1915)
He Fell in Love with His Wife (1916)
He Fell in Love with Ma-in-Law (1915)
He Forgot His Umbrella (1901)
He Fought For the U.S.A. (1911)
He Got It (1922)
He Had a Guess Coming (1913)
The Heights of Hazard (191?)
Der Heilige Berg (1926)
Die Heilige und ihr Narr (1928)
Heimkehr (1928)
Heinze’s Resurrection (1913)
The Heiress (1911)
[The Heiress] (1911)
The Heiress at “Coffee Dan’s” (1916)
Heißes Blut (1911)
Ein heiteres Fastnachtsspiel (1925)
Heksen og cyklisten (1909)
Held by the Law (1927)
Den heldige Bananmand (1910)
Held to Ransom (1906)
He Leads, Others Follow (1919)
Helena. Der Untergang Trojas (1924)
Helen Lewis and Her All-Girl Jazz Syncopators (1925)
Helen of Four Gates (1920)
Helen’s Babies (1924)
Helen’s Marriage (1912)
Helen’s Stratagem (1913)
Hell Bent (1918)
Hell-Bent fer Heaven (1926)
The Hell Cat (1918)
The Hell Diggers (1921)
Hell Hounds of the Plains (1926)
Hell Morgan’s Girl (1917)
Hello Baby! (1925)
Hello Bill! (1923)
Hello Central, Give Me Heaven (1913)
Hello Cheyenne (1928)
Hello Little Girl, Hello (1908)
Hello Mabel (1914)
Hello, Mars (1922)
Hello Sailor (1927)
Hello Trouble (1918)
Hell’s Bells (1929)
Hell’s Borders (1922)
Hell’s Crater (1918)
Hell’s 400 (1926)
Hell’s Heroes (1929)
Hell’s Highroad (1925)
Hell’s Hinges (1916)
He Loved the Ladies (1914)
Help! (1916)
The Helpful(?) Sisterhood (1914)
Help! Help! (1912)
Help! Help! Help! (1916)
Help! Help! Hydrophobia! (1913)
The Helping Hand (1908)
Help Wanted (1911)
Help Wanted (1928)
Help Wanted — Male (1920)
Help Yourself (1920)
Heltemod forsoner (1909)
Helter Skelter (1929)
He Married Her Anyhow (1914)
Ett Hemligt Giftermål (1912)
Hemlock Hoax, the Detective (1910)
Det Hemmelighedsfulde X (1914)
Hemsöborna (1919)
He Must Have a Wife (1912)
He Never Touched Me (1917)
Henley Regatta (1897)
[Henley Regatta] (1899)
[Henley Regatta] (1899)
The Henpecked Husband (1906)
Henpecked in Morocco (1927)
Henpeck Gets a Night Off (1914)
Henrettelsen (1903)
Henri IV et le Bucheron (1911)
[Henry Cass Demonstration Film] (1923)
Henry, King of Navarre (1924)
Henry’s Ancestors (1917)
Henry IV (1909)
Henry V (1913)
Henry V (1915)
Henry VIII (1911)
Herald Square (1896)
Her Alibi (1915)
Her Ambition (1926)
Her American Husband (1918)
Her Anniversaries (1917)
Her Atonement (1915)
Her Awakening (1911)
Her Awakening (1914)
Her Awakening (1914)
Her Bandit Sweetheart (1914)
Her Beloved Enemy (1917)
Her Big Night (1926)
Her Big Scoop (1914)
Her Big Story (1913)
Her Birthday Present (1913)
Her Bitter Cup (1916)
Her Bitter Self (1916)
Her Body in Bond (1918)
Her Bounty (1914)
Her Boy (1918)
Her Boy Friend (1924)
Her Brave Defender (1896)
Her Bridal Night-Mare (1920)
Her Chance (1916)
Her Circus Knight (1917)
Her Code of Honor (1919)
Her Condoned Sin (1917)
Her Convert (1915)
Her Country First (1918)
Her Crowning Glory (1911)
Her Dad the Constable (1911)
Her Dangerous Path (1923)
Her Darkest Hour (1911)
Her Debt of Honor (1916)
Her Decision (1918)
Her Defiance (1916)
Her Dog-Gone Wedding (1920)
Her Doggy (1914)
Her Dormant Love (1915)
Her Double Life (1916)
Her Dream Man (1916)
[Her Duplicate Husband] (1914)
Here and There in Japan with Homer Croy (1914)
Here and There in Spain (1916)
Here Comes the Bride (1919)
Here Come the Girls (1918)
Heredity (1912)
Here He Comes (1925)
Here’s a Fine How D’Ye Do (1907)
Here’s a How-D'Ye-Do (1906)
Her Escape (1914)
Here Upon We’re Both Agreed (1907)
Her Faithful Heart (1911)
Her Fame and Shame (1917)
Her Fatal Millions (1923)
Her Fatal Mistake (1910)
Her Father (1913)
Her Father Said No! (1927)
Her Father’s Pride (1910)
Her Father’s Silent Partner (1914)
Her Father’s Son (1916)
Her Final Choice (1913)
Her First Adventure (1908)
Her First Appearance (1910)
Her First Biscuits (1909)
Her First Flame (1920)
Her Five-Foot Highness (1920)
Her Fractured Voice (1917)
Her Friend the Bandit (1914)
Her Gilded Cage (1922)
[Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back] (1925)
Her Grace, the Vampire (1917)
Her Grandparents (1915)
Her Grave Mistake (1914)
Her Great Chance (1913)
Her Greatest Love (1917)
Her Greatest Performance (1916)
Her Great Mistake (1917)
Her Great Mistake (1925)
Her Great Scoop (1914)
Her Hand (1914)
Her Heart’s Desire (1917)
Her Hero (1911)
Her Hero (1917)
Her Hidden Life (1915)
Her Honor, the Governor (1926)
Her Husband’s Deception (1910)
Her Husband’s Secret (1925)
Her Husband’s Trademark (1922)
Her Husband’s Women (1929)
Her Inspiration (1918)
Her Iron Will (1917)
The Heritage of Hate (1916)
The Heritage of the Desert (1924)
Her Last Chance (1914)
Her Life’s Story (1914)
Her Love Story (1924)
Her Luck in London (1914)
Her Luckless Scheme (1916)
Her Majesty (1922)
Her Man (1918)
Her Man (1924)
Herman Hero (1919)
Her Man o’ War (1926)
Her Marble Heart (1916)
Her Market Value (1925)
Her Mistake (191?)
The Hermit’s Gold (1911)
Her Moment (1918)
Her Mother (1909)
Her Mother Interferes (1911)
Her Mother’s Daughter (1915)
Her Mother’s Necklace (1914)
Her Mother’s Oath (1913)
Her Mother’s Secret (1915)
Her Mother’s Weakness (1914)
Her Mysterious Escort (1915)
Her Nameless Child (1915)
Her Nature Dance (1917)
Her Neighbors Next Door (1914)
Her New Beau (1913)
Her Newsboy Friend (1908)
Her Night of Nights (1922)
Her Night of Romance (1924)
Her Right to Live (1917)
The Hero (1907)
The Hero (1917)
The Hero (1923)
A Hero Among Men (1913)
A Hero at Zero (192?)
Her Obsession (1917)
Heroes and Husbands (1922)
Heroes in Blue (1927)
Heroes of the Cross (1909)
Heroes of the Mine (1913)
Heroes of the Night (1927)
Heroes of the Street (1922)
Heroes of the Wild (1927-1928)
Her Official Fathers (1917)
A Hero for a Night (1927)
The Heroine of San Juan (1916)
A Heroine of ’76 (1911)
The Heroine of the Forge (1909)
L’héroïsme de Paddy (1916)
[Heroism of a Polish Boy Scout] (191?)
Her Old Teacher (1914)
Her One Mistake (1918)
Her Only Way (1918)
The Hero of Liao Yang (1904)
The Hero of Little Italy (1913)
The Hero of Submarine D-2 (191?)
A Hero of the Big Snows (1926)
Hero of the Black Hills (1912)
The Hero of the Dardanelles (1915)
The Hero of the Gridiron (1915)
The Hero of the Hour (1917)
A Hero on Horseback (1927)
Her Own Blood (1915)
Her Own Money (1922)
Her Own Story (1926)
Her Painted Hero (1915)
Her Painted Pedigree (1916)
Her Penalty (1921)
Her Pet (1911)
Her Primitive Man (1917)
Her Primitive Model (1914)
Her Private Affair (1929)
Her Private Life (1929)
Herr Arnes penningar (1919)
Der Herr der Liebe (1919)
[Herr Doktor] (1917)
Her Reckoning (1915)
Her Redemption (1913)
Herremandens Barnebarn (1908)
Her Renunciation (1915)
Her Reputation (1923)
Die Herrin der Welt (1921)
[Die Herrin des Nils] (1913)
Her Romeo (1915)
Her Royal Highness (1913)
Her Rustic Romeo (1918)
Her Sacrifice (1911)
Her Sacrifice (1914)
Her Sacrifice (1926)
Her Second Chance (1926)
Her Shattered Idol (1915)
Her Sister from Paris (1925)
Her Sister’s Sin (1916)
Her Slumbering Conscience (1915)
Her Soul Revealed (1915)
Her Soul’s Inspiration (1917)
Her Spoiled Boy (1911)
Her Stepchildren (1915)
Her Terrible Ordeal (1910)
Her Three Mothers (1915)
Her Torpedoed Love (1917)
Her Two Sons (1911)
Her Uncle’s Will (1910)
Her Unwilling Husband (1920)
Her Wedding Bell (1913)
Her Whirlwind Wedding (1918)
Her Wild Oat (1927)
Her Winning Punch (1915)
Her Winning Way (1910)
He’s a Lawyer (1913)
He’s in Again (1918)
He Stubs His Toe (1910)
Les heures (1909)
L’heureuse mort (1924)
He Went to See the Devil Play (1909)
He Who Gets Crowned (1925)
He Who Gets Slapped (1924)
He Who Gets Smacked (1925)
He Who Gets Socked (1925)
He Wooed Her (19??)
He Would Act (1915)
He Would a Hunting Go (1913)
He Wouldn’t Stay Down (1915)
He Wrote a Book (1916)
Hey! Hey! Cowboy (1927)
Hey Police (1919)
Hey There (1918)
Hiawatha (1909)
Hiawatha (1913)
Hiawatha, the Messiah of the Ojibway (1903)
The Hick (1921)
A Hick in Hollywood (1928)
A Hickory Hick (1922)
Hickory Hiram (1918)
The Hicksville Epicure (1913)
Hicksville’s Finest (1914)
Hidden Aces (1927)
The Hidden City (1915)
Hidden Dangers (1920)
Hidden Fires (1918)
The Hidden Hand (1917-1918)
The Hidden Light (1920)
Hidden Loot (1925)
The Hidden Spring (1917)
The Hidden Trail (1912)
Hidden Treasure (1912)
Hidden Valley (1916)
The Hidden Woman (1922)
Hide and Seek (1913)
Hide and Seek, Detectives (1918)
High and Dizzy (1920)
High and Handsome (1925)
High Art (1909)
The Highbinders (1915)
Highbrow Love (1913)
High Brow Stuff (1924)
The High Cost of Living (1912)
The High Cost of Reduction (1913)
The Higher Law (1914)
A Higher Power (1914)
The Highest Bidder (1921)
The Highest Law (1921)
Highgate Tunnel (1896)
The High Hand (1915)
The High Hand (1926)
High Hat (1927)
High Heels (1921)
Highland Cross Sword Dance (1898)
Highland Dance (1894)
Highland Dancers (1896)
The Highlander’s Defiance (1910)
The Highland Fling (1898)
Highland Fling (1898)
Highland Reel (1898)
High School Hero (1927)
The High Sign (1917)
The High Sign (1921)
High Society (1924)
High Speed (1917)
High Speed (1924)
High Speed Lee (1923)
High Spots on Broadway (1914)
High Steppers (1926)
High Treason (1929)
High Voltage (1929)
The Highway of Hope (1917)
Hi! Hi! Stop! (189?)
Hijosen no onna (1933)
Hilda of the Mountains (1913)
Hilde Warren und der Tod (1917)
The Hillbilly (1924)
The Hills of Hate (1926)
Hills of Kentucky (1927)
Hills of Peril (1927)
Der Himmel auf Erden (1927)
Himno Nacional Argentino (1910)
Hindle Wakes (1918)
Hindle Wakes (1927)
The Hindoo Dagger (1909)
Hindoos and Hazards (1918)
Hindoostan Fakir and Cotta Dwarf (1894)
Hinemoa (1913)
The Hinges on the Bar Room Door (1921)
Die Hintertreppe (1921)
Hippodrome Races, Dreamland, Coney Island (1905)
Hired and Fired (1916)
Hired and Fired (1916)
Hired and Fired (1916)
The Hired Man (1918)
L’hirondelle et la mésange (1920)
His Angel Child (1929)
His Auto Ruination (1916)
His Auto’s Maiden Trip (1912)
His Back Against the Wall (1922)
His Best Friend (1911)
His Better Self (1912)
His Birthday Gift (1915)
His Birthright (1918)
His Bitter Pill (1916)
His Blowout (1916)
His Bogus Boast (1917)
His Bread and Butter (1916)
His Briny Romance (1919)
His Brother (1913)
His Brother’s Blood (1922)
His Brother’s Keeper (1915)
His Brother’s Portrait (1915)
His Buddy’s Wife (1925)
His Busted Trust (1916)
His Busy Day (1918)
His Busy Hour (1926)
His Captive Woman (1929)
His Chance to Make Good (1912)
His Change of Heart (1914)
His Chinese Friend (1913)
His Chum the Baron (1913)
[His Cinderella Girl] (1910)
His Conscious Conscience (1916)
His Convict Bride (1918)
His Cooling Courtship (1915)
His Country (192?)
His Criminal Career (1915)
His Crooked Career (1913)
His Darker Self (1924)
His Daughter (1911)
His Day Out (1918)
His Desperate Deed (1915)
His Divorced Wife (1919)
His Doctor’s Orders (1914)
His Dog (1927)
His Doggone Luck (1914)
His Doll Wife (1915)
His Double (1912)
His Double Life (1912)
His Dress Shirt (1911)
His Duty (1909)
His Emergency Wife (1915)
His Fatal Mistake (1925)
His Fatal Shot (1915)
[His Fateful Passion] (191?)
His Father’s Bugle (1912)
His Father’s Footsteps (1915)
His Father’s House (1914)
His Father’s Rifle (1915)
His Father’s Voice: Mrs. Kelly (1913)
His Favorite Pastime (1914)
His Fight (1914)
His Fireman’s Conscience (1914)
His First Car (1924)
His First Command (1929)
His First Degree (1924)
His First Experiment in Chemistry (1908)
His First False Step (1916)
His First Flame (1927)
His First Flat Tire (1924)
His First Game (1917)
His First Ride (1907)
His Flirting Ways (1917)
His Foot-Hill Folly (1917)
His Foreign Wife (1927)
His Forgotten Wife (1924)
His Four Fathers (1921)
His Friend’s Wife (1911)
His Friend, the Elephant (1916)
His Glorious Night (1929)
His Golden Grain (1915)
His Great Triumph (1916)
His Great Uncle’s Spirit (1912)
His Guardian Angel (1915)
His Halted Career (1914)
His Hand and Seal (1915)
His Hansom Butler (1921)
His Hereafter (1916)
His Hidden Purpose (1918)
His Hindoo (1913)
His Home Sweet Home (1919)
His Hoodoo (1913)
His Hour (1924)
His Hour of Manhood (1914)
His House in Order (1920)
His Ideal of Power (1913)
His Inspiration (1913)
His Jazz Bride (1926)
His Last Battle (1928)
His Last Bow (1923)
His Last Bullet (1927)
His Last Burglary (1910)
His Last Crooked Deal (1913)
His Last Dollar (1910)
His Last Dollar (1914)
His Last Errand (19??)
His Last Fight (1913)
His Last Game (1909)
His Last Laugh (1916)
His Last Race (1923)
His Last Scent (1916)
His Last Serenade (1915)
His Last Wish (1915)
His Lesson (1912)
His Lesson (1915)
His Little Girl (1909)
His Lordship’s Dilemma (1915)
His Losing Day (1915)
His Lost Love (1909)
His Loving Spouse (1914)
His Luckless Love (1915)
His Lucky Day (1929)
His Lying Heart (1916)
His Madonna (1912)
His Majesty, Bunker Bean (1918)
His Majesty, Bunker Bean (1925)
His Majesty, Dick Turpin (1916)
His Majesty, the American (1919)
H.M. The King’s Entry into Dublin and Tour Through Ireland (189?)
His Majesty, the Scarecrow of Oz (1914)
His Marriage Wow (1925)
His Masterpiece (1909)
His Master’s Voice (1925)
His Message (1912)
His Mother (1911)
His Mother (1912)
His Mother-in-Law (1912)
His Mother’s Boy (1916)
His Mother’s Boy (1917)
His Mother’s Home (1914)
His Mother’s Hymn (1911)
His Mother’s Scarf (1911)
His Mother’s Son (1913)
His Musical Career (1914)
His Musical Sneeze (1919)
His Mystery Girl (1923)
His Naughty Night (1920)
His Naughty Thought (1917)
His Neglected Wife (1917)
His Neighbor’s Wife (1913)
His Nemesis (1912)
His New Job (1915)
His New Lid (1910)
His New Mamma (1924)
His New Profession (1914)
His Nibs (1921)
His Night Out (1915)
His Off Day (1926)
His Official Appointment (1912)
His Old Pal’s Sacrifice (1914)
His Only Chance (1918)
His Only Father (1919)
His Own Fault (1912)
His Own Hero (1915)
His Own Law (1920)
His Own Law (1924)
His Own People (1917)
His Pajama Girl (1920)
His Partner’s Share (1912)
His Partner’s Share (1912)
His Pastimes (1926)
His People (1925)
His Phantom Sweetheart (1915)
His Picture in the Papers (1916)
His Poor Little Girl (1915)
His Precious Life (1917)
His Prehistoric Past (1914)
His Pride and Shame (1916)
His Prior Claim (1914)
His Private Life (1926)
His Private Life (1928)
His Punishment (1912)
His Regeneration (1915)
His Rest Day (1927)
His Return (1915)
His Rise to Fame (1927)
His Robe of Honor (1918)
His Romany Wife (1915)
[H.R.H. Prince of Wales] (1901)
His Royal Slyness (1919)
His Salad Days (1918)
His Second Childhood (1914)
His Secret (1913)
His Secretary (1925)
His Sense of Duty (1912)
His Sergeant’s Stripes (1910)
His Singular Lesson (1915)
His Sister (1913)
His Sister-in-Law (1910)
His Sister’s Champion (191?)
His Sister’s Kids (1913)
His Squaw (1912)
His Supreme Moment (1925)
His Taking Ways (1914)
His Talented Wife (1914)
His Terrible Lesson (1911)
L’histoire d’un crime (1899)
L’histoire d’une rose (1911)
L’histoire du Soldat Inconnu (193?)
Historic Provincetown (1916)
Historie de Puce (1909)
Historie d’un crime (1906)
Historie d’une crime (1901)
Historien om en moder (1912)
En historie om kaerlighed (1912)
History of a Loaf (1908)
His Trust (1911)
His Trust Fulfilled (1911)
His Trysting Place (1914)
His Turning Point (1915)
His Uncle Dudley (1917)
His Uncle’s Wives (1913)
His Unwitting Conquest (1914)
His Ups and Downs (1913)
His Waiting Career (1916)
His Ward’s Love (1909)
His Ward’s Scheme (1915)
His Wedded Wife (1914)
His Wedding Night (1917)
His White Lie (1916)
His Wife (1914)
His Wife (1915)
His Wife Knew About It (1916)
His Wife’s Family (1914)
His Wife’s Friend (1918)
His Wife’s Mistake (1916)
His Wife’s Money (1920)
His Wife’s Mother (1909)
His Wife’s Pet (1914)
His Wife’s Secret (1915)
His Wife’s Story (1915)
His Wife’s Sweethearts (1910)
His Wife’s Visitor (1909)
His Wild Oats (1916)
His Wooden Wedding (1925)
Hit and Run (1924)
Hitchin’ Posts (1920)
Hit Him Again! (1918)
The Hit of the Show (1928)
Hit-the-Trail Holliday (1918)
Hitting Hard (1925)
Hitting the High Spots (1918)
Hjärtan som mötas (1914)
Hjärtats Triumf (1929)
En Hjemløs Fugl (1911)
Hobbs in a Hurry (1918)
The Hobo (1917)
The Hobo Cowboy (1911)
Hoboken to Hollywood (1926)
Hobo’s Round Up (1911)
Die Hochzeit im Exzentrikklub (1917)
Hoffmanns Erzählungen (1916)
Hoffmeyer’s Legacy (1912)
Hogan Out West (1915)
Hogan’s Alley (1925)
Hogan’s Annual Spree (1914)
Hogan’s Aristocratic Dream (1915)
Hogan’s Mussy Job (1915)
Hogan’s Romance Upset (1915)
Hogan’s Wild Oats (1915)
Hogan the Porter (1915)
Hogaraka ni ayume (1930)
Högfjällets dotter (1914)
Hoist on His Own Petard (1912)
Holding His Own (1928)
Hold Still (1926)
Hold That Lion (1926)
The Holdup of the Leadville Stage (1905)
The Hold-Up of the Rocky Mountain Express (1906)
Hold Your Breath (1924)
Hold Your Horses (1929)
Hold Your Man (1929)
The Hole in the Wall (1921)
The Hole in the Wall (1929)
[A Hole in the Wall] (1929)
Holger Danske (1910)
The Holiday (1906)
A Holiday Pageant at Home (1901)
Hollywood (1923)
The Hollywood Kid (1924)
The Hollywood Revue of 1929 (1929)
A Hollywood Star (1929)
The Holy Terror (1929)
Homage (1915)
Home (1915)
Home (1916)
Home (1919)
Home Again My Cherry Blossom (1907)
Home Again, My Cherry Blossom (1909)
Home and Mother (1912)
The Homebreaker (1919)
The Home Breakers (1915)
A Home Breaking Hound (1915)
Home Cured (1926)
Home Folks (1912)
Home for the Holidays (1???)
The Home Girl (1928)
Home James (1928)
Home Life in Japan (1913)
Home Made (1927)
A Home-Made Man (1928)
Home-Made Movies (1922)
The Home Maker (1925)
Home of the Blizzard (1913)
The Home of the Terns, Australian Sea Birds (1913)
Homer Comes Home (1920)
Home Run Ambrose (1918)
Home Run Baker’s Double (1914)
Homerun Hawkins (19??)
A Homespun Vamp (1922)
The Homesteader (1919)
The Home Stretch (1921)
The Home Strike-Breakers (1912)
Home Sweet Home (1914)
Home Sweet Home (1924)
Home to Our Mountains (Il Trovatore) (1906)
The Home Towners (1928)
The Home Trail (1918)
The Home Trail (1927)
The Home Wreckers (1917)
Homlock Shermes (1913)
L’homme aimenté (1907)
L’homme à la tête de veau (1908)
L’homme à la tête en caoutchouc (1901)
L’homme de proie (1912)
L’homme de tête (1898)
L’homme du large (1920)
L’homme orchestre (1900)
L’homme sans visage (1919)
Homunculus (1916)
Hon, den enda (1927)
Honest Hutch (1920)
An Honest Man (1918)
The Honeymoon at Niagara Falls (1906)
Honeymoon Flats (1928)
A Honeymoon for Three (1910)
A Honeymoon for Three (1915)
Honeymoon Hardships (1925)
Honeymooniacs (1929)
Honeymoon Ranch (1920)
The Honeymoon Roll (1915)
Hong Kong Funiculaire (1908)
Hon, han och Anderson (1926)
Honky Tonk (1929)
Honô no yukuê (1923)
The Honorable Algy (1916)
The Honorable Mr. Buggs (1927)
Hon. Will H. Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers & Distributors of America, Inc., Who Will Address You (1926)
Honor Bound (1920)
Honor Bound (1928)
Honor First (1922)
[The Honor of Bill Jackson] (1914)
[The Honor of Dying for the Fatherland] (191?)
The Honor of His Family (1910)
The Honor of His House (1918)
The Honor of Mary Blake (1916)
The Honor of the Family (1912)
The Honor of the Flag (1911)
The Honor of the Law (1914)
The Honor of the Mounted (1914)
The Honor of the Range (1920)
The Honor of the Regiment (1913)
The Honor of the Slums (1909)
The Honor of the Thieves (1909)
The Honor of the Tribe (1912)
The Honor of Thieves (1909)
Honor’s Altar (1916)
The Honor System (1917)
The Honor System (1928)
Honor Thy Country (1916)
Honor Thy Father (1912)
Honor Thy Father (1912)
Honor Thy Mother (1913)
Honour Thy Father (191?)
Hon Segrade (1915)
The Hoodlum (1919)
Hoodman Blind (1913)
Hoodman Blind (1923)
Hoodoo Ann (1916)
Hoodooed (1920)
Hoodoo Ranch (1926)
Hoodwinking the Police (1917)
Hooey Heroes (1917)
Hoofbeats of Vengeance (1929)
Hoof Marks (1927)
Hook and Ladder (1924)
Hook and Ladder No. 9 (1927)
Hooked (1925)
Hooked at the Altar (1926)
Hooligan and the Summer Girls (1901)
Hooligan Assists the Magician (1901)
Hooligan at the Seashore (1901)
Hooligan Causes a Sensation (1901)
Hooligan Has Trouble with the Cook (1901)
Hooligan in Central Park (1901)
Hooligan in Jail (1903)
Hooligan’s Christmas Dream (1903)
Hooligan’s Narrow Escape (1901)
Hooligan Takes His Annual Bath (1901)
Hoop-La (1919)
The Hoose-Gow (1929)
A Hoosier Romance (1918)
Hoosier Schoolmaster (1924)
Hoot Mon (1918)
Hope (1922)
Hope — A Red Cross Seal Story (1912)
The Hope Chest (1918)
The Hope Diamond Mystery (1921)
The Hopeless Dawn (1914)
The Hopes of Blind Alley (1914)
Hop-Head’s Dream (1914)
Hop, the Devil’s Brew (1916)
Hop to It! (1925)
Horace Greeley, Jr. (1925)
Horimono hangan: Momonosuke no maki (1933)
Horimono hangan: Momo san kinan no maki (1933)
Horimono hangan: Kanketsu hen (1933)
Hornbacker and Murphy (1894)
Hôrô zanmai (1928)
Horrible Hyde (1915)
A Horse! A Horse! (1916)
Horse Eating Hay (1897)
A Horseman of the Plains (1928)
A Horse of Another Color (1907)
A Horse on Bill (1913)
Horse Play (192?)
Horses Drawing in Seine (1903)
Horses Drawing Salmon Seine (1903)
Horse-shoeing (1894)
Horseshoes (1923)
Horse Shoes (1927)
Horse Shy (1928)
Horses Loading for Klondike, No. 9 (1897)
Horse Tears (1922)
The Horse Thief (1913)
The Horse Trader (1927)
The Horse Wrangler (1914)
Die Hose (1927)
Hot and Heavy (1925)
Hot Dog (1928)
L’hôtel de la gare (1914)
El hotel eléctrico (1908)
[Hotel Excelsior] (192?)
Hotel Imperial (1927)
Hotel Lobby Courtship (19??)
Hotelmysterierne (1911)
Hotel Paradis (1917)
Hot Foot (1923)
A Hot-Foot Romance (1915)
Hot for Paris (1929)
Hot Heels (1928)
Hot Lightning (1927)
Hot News (1928)
Hototogisu (1922)
Hototogisu (1922)
Hot Sands (1924)
Hot Sands and Cold Feet (1919)
Hot Sheiks (1925)
Hot Stuff (1912)
Hot Stuff (192?)
Hot Stuff (1927)
Hot Stuff (1929)
The Hottentot (1922)
The Hottentot (1929)
Hotter Than Hot (1929)
Hot Water (1923)
Hot Water (1924)
Hot Water and Vegetabuel (1928)
The Hound of Silver Creek (1928)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1921)
The Hound of the Deep (1926)
An Hour Before Dawn (1913)
The Hour of Reckoning (1914)
An Hour of Terror (1914)
[The House at the Ferry] (1915)
The House Behind the Cedars (1924)
The House Boat (1923)
The Housebreakers (1914)
A House Built Upon Sand (1916)
A House Divided (1913)
A House Divided (1913)
A House Divided (1919)
The Household Pest (1910)
Housekeeping (1916)
Housekeeping at the Zoo (1926)
The House Next Door (1914)
The House of a Thousand Candles (1915)
The House of a Thousand Scandals (1915)
The House of Bondage (1914)
The House of Cards (1909)
The House of Darkened Windows (1925)
The House of Darkness (1913)
The House of Discord (1913)
The House of Fear (1915)
The House of Hate (1918)
The House of Horror (1915)
The House of Horror (1929)
The House of Lies (1916)
The House of Marney (1927)
The House of Mirth (1918)
The House of Scandal (1917)
The House of Secrets (1929)
The House of Shame (1928)
The House of Silence (1915)
The House of Tears (191?)
The House of Temperly (1913)
The House of Terrible Scandal (1919)
The House of Terror (1929)
[The House of the Dead] (19??)
The House of the Golden Windows (1916)
The House of the Seven Gables (1910)
The House of the Tolling Bell (1920)
The House That Jack Built (1901)
House to Let; or, The New Tenants (1908)
The House with Closed Shutters (1910)
The House Without a Key (1926)
The House with the Drawn Shades (1915)
The Houston Sisters (1926)
How a British Bull-dog Saved the Union Jack (1906)
How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the New York Herald “Personal” Column (1904)
How a Mosquito Operates (1912)
How Baxter Butted In (1925)
How Bella Was Won (1911)
How Betty Won the School (1911)
How Bill Squared It With His Boss (1914)
How Bobby Called Her Bluff (1914)
How Bridget Served the Salad Undressed (1898)
How Britain Prepared (1916)
How Brown Saw the Baseball Game (1907)
How Callahan Cleaned Up Little Hell (1915)
How Charlie Captured the Kaiser (1918)
How Chief Te Ponga Won His Bride (1913)
How Could You, Jean? (1918)
Howdy Broadway (1929)
Howdy Duke (1927)
How Father Won Out (1914)
How Fatty Made Good (1913)
How Green Saved His Mother-in-Law (1914)
How Hazel Got Even (1915)
How Heroes Are Made (1914)
How Hiram Won Out (1913)
How Hubby Got a Raise (1910)
How Hubby Made Good (1910)
How It Feels to Be Run Over (1900)
How It Happened (1913)
How It Happened (1925)
How Jimmy Won the Game (1928)
How John Came Home (1915)
How Jones Lost His Roll (1905)
How Jones Saw the Ball Game (1912)
How Jones Saw the Baseball Game (1907)
Howling Hollywood (1929)
How Lone Wolf Died (1914)
How Mary Fixed It (1911)
How Mary Met the Cowpunchers (1911)
How Men Propose (1913)
How Molly Made Good (1915)
How Motion Pictures Are Made (1914)
[How Not to Wear Clothes] (1921)
How Old is Ann? (1903)
How She Triumphed (1911)
How Shorty Kept His Word (1912)
How Slippery Sam Saw the Show (1915)
How Stars Are Made (1916)
How the Camel Got His Hump (1925)
How the Cause Was Won (1912)
How the Cowboy Makes His Lariat (1917)
How the Day Was Saved (1913)
How the Kids Got Even (1909)
How the Office Boy Saw the Ball Game (1906)
How the Old Woman Caught the Omnibus (1903)
How They Do Things on the Bowery (1902)
How They Got the Vote (1913)
How They Outwitted Father (1913)
How They Rob Men in Chicago (1900)
How They Stopped the Run on the Bank (1911)
How They Stopped the Run on the Bank (1913)
How They Struck Oil (1914)
How to Cure a Cold (1907)
How to Educate a Wife (1924)
How to Handle Women (1928)
How to Make Movies (1918)
How to Stop a Motor-Car (1902)
How Villains Are Made (1914)
How Washington Crossed the Delaware (1912)
How Weary Went Wooing (1915)
How We Beat the Emden (1915)
How Women Love (1922)
H2O (1929)
Hubby Does the Washing (1912)
Hubby’s Cure (1915)
Hubby’s Job (1913)
Hubby to the Rescue (1914)
Hubert and Arthur (1913)
Huck and Tom; or, The Further Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1918)
Huckleberry Finn (1920)
Hughie and the Victory Derby (1919)
Hugon, the Mighty (1918)
Le Huguenot (1909)
Hula (1927)
A Hula Honeymoon (1923)
Hula Hula Land (1917)
Hulda from Holland (1916)
Hulda of Holland (1913)
Hulda Rasmussen (1911)
Hulda’s Lovers (1908)
Hulda the Silent (1916)
Hullo! Who’s Your Lady Friend? (1917)
Human Collateral (1920)
Human Desire (1920)
Human Desires (1924)
Human Destinies (1925)
Human Driftwood (1916)
Human Hearts (1922)
A Human Hound’s Triumph (1915)
Humanity (1916)
Human Stuff (1920)
The Human Terror (1924)
The Human Tornado (1925)
[The Human Torpedo] (1913)
Human Wreckage (1923)
Humbugs and Husbands (1918)
Humdrum Brown (1918)
The Humming Bird (1924)
Humoresque (1920)
Humorous Phases of Funny Faces (1906)
Humor Risk (1921)
Humpty Dumpty Circus (1908)
The Hunch (1921)
The Hunchback (1914)
The Hunchback (1914)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1906)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)
Hundedressur (1907)
The Hundredth Chance (1920)
Der Hund von Baskerville (1914)
Der Hund von Baskerville, 2. Teil: Das einsame Haus (1914)
Der Hund von Baskerville, 3. Teil: Das unheimliche Zimmer (1915)
Der Hund von Baskerville, 4. Teil (1915)
Der Hund von Baskerville, 5 Teil: Dr. MacDonalds Sanatorium (1920)
Der Hund von Baskerville, 6 Teil: Das Haus ohne Fenster (1920)
Der Hund von Baskerville (1929)
The Hungarian Nabob (1915)
Hungry Eyes (1918)
A Hungry Heart (1917)
The Hungry Heart (1917)
Hungry Hearts (1916)
Hungry Hearts (1922)
Hungry Hoboes (1928)
Huns and Hyphens (1918)
Huns Within Our Gates (1918)
The Hunt (1915)
Hunted Down (1914)
The Hunted Men (1930)
The Hunted Woman (1925)
Hunting African Animals (191?)
Hunting Big Game in Africa with Gun and Camera (1923)
Hunting Big Game in the Arctic with Gun and Camera (1925)
[Hunting Caribou in Abyssma] (19??)
Huntingtower (1927)
The Huntress (1923)
A Huntress of Men (1916)
Huns Within Our Gates (1918)
The Hun Within (1918)
Huoshan Qingxie (1932)
Huragan (1928)
Hurdy Gurdy (1929)
The Hurdy Gurdy Dance (189?)
The Huron Converts (1916)
Hurricane Hutch (1921-1922)
The Hurricane Kid (1925)
Hurricane’s Gal (1922)
Husband and Strife (1922)
Husband and Wife (1916)
The Husband Hunter (1920)
Husbands and Lovers (1924)
The Husband’s Experiment (1914)
Husband, Wife and Stenographer (19??)
The Hushed Hour (1919)
Hushing the Scandal (1915)
Hush Money (1921)
[Hussars Passing Through Dublin] (1897)
Hustling for Health (1919)
Hustlin’ Hank (1923)
Hvem er Hun? (1914)
Den hvide djævel (1916)
Den hvide slavehandel (1910)
Den hvide slavehandel I (1910)
Den hvide slavehandel II (1911)
Den hvide slavehandel III (1912)
Den hvide Slavinde (1906)
Hyakumanryô hibun (1927)
[Hyde Park at Noon] (1896)
Hyde Park Bicycling Scene (1896)
Hydraulic Mining of Newcastle Coal (1910)
[The Hyena of the Big City] (191?)
Hy Mayer’s Travelaughs (192?)
Hypnotic Nell (1912)
The Hypnotic Violinist (191?)
The Hypnotist (1922)
The Hypnotist’s Revenge (1907)
[The Hypnotist’s Revenge] (1909)
Hypnotized (1910)
Hypnotized (1912)
Hypnotized (1913)
Hypnotizing a Hypnotist (1911)
Hypnotizing the Hypnotist (1911)
Hypochondriacs (1917)
Hypocrisy (1916)
Hypocrites (1915)
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Cat and the Canary Standard BD

Capra at Columbia UHD/BD

Little Rascals Vol 1 BD

Charley Chase 1927 BD

L&H Year 2 BD

Seven Chances/Sherlock Jr BD

Caligari UHD

Pandora's Box BD

The Bat BD

Billy Bevan BD

Feuillade Box BD

Dragon Painter BD

Pandora's Box BD

L&H Silent Years BD

Annie Laurie BD

Pace That Kills BD

The Craving BD

Carmen BD

Anna Boleyn BD

Vitagraph BD

Seven Footprints BD

Black Pirate BD

Our Hospitality BD

Our Hospitality DVD

Sherlock Jr BD

Chaplin at Keystone DVD

Metropolis DVD

Georges Méliès DVD

La Roue DVD